The newest addition in the line-up of already popular Dinky R/C TransMittens
have some new features that will surely come in handy on your next trail ride or expedition!
We've updated the looks, and by doing so, have added more style, and functionality.
All without an increase in price!
We also found that with the addition of a new carrying strap,
and two steel D-rings, these can be useful year round. Helping to keep your radio debris free,
and out of harms way during your next outing!
Especially with the addition of your own shoulder strap,
You can then sling your radio over your shoulder, and have one hand free to carry your rig thru the woods.
While still having your other hand free to carry other equipment,
or to just keep your balance!
We've also added a button to the side pocket,
to help keep those tools easy to reach, without falling out along the trail!